Wednesday, May 8, 2013


My girls,
Last weekend we took a last minute trip up north! We went to Grandma and Grandpa's cabin while they were up there.  It was a short trip, but there had been a TON of snow the weekend before and I so wanted to see it before it was gone! 

Aubs, you had so much fun! Grandpa showed you how to do a snow angel, and you made angel after angel after angel.  You threw snowballs and held the hand of a snowball that was already built in the park.  

Ash, you were quite little to actually play, but we still dressed you up warm and cozy and took you out.  You looked adorable!

Mommy made the mistake of going out to play in her flip was pretty warm out, and I didn't want to have to go the whole socks and shoes route! Not a smart idea as my toes were quickly freezing

It was a wonderful weekend full of memories, laughter and love.  I can't wait for many more of the same in the coming years.

Always and Forever,
Your Mama

P.S. I wrote this weeks ago and for some reason never posted it.  We were up north the 1st weekend in March, not in May! :)


My Girls,
Tonight, at just over 4 months and 2 1/2 years old, you are sleeping in the same room.  Aubrey, you have your big girl bed, and are laying in the crib where your sister used to be.  It beautiful yet a little sad to see how much time has passed since I first became a mother. 

Ashley, sweet have spent every night by my side since you were born.  It was hard to lay you in the crib tonight, knowing my room would be a little emptier without you there.  I miss you already.  Hearing your sweet baby noises, feeling you breathe as I reach over to check you in the bassinet just "one more time" before I drift off to sleep.  I know God has you in His hand, but I still wish I could keep you small enough to be near me every night.

Aubrey Lynn, my precious have been in your toddler bed for a few weeks now.  You love it, but something about the night brings you a little anxiety.  You often call out for me at night at ask me to "sleep with you right here".  Oh how I've longed for these moments.  Even in my exhaustion of being woken up at strange hours of the night, I love knowing that I bring you that security you need.  I am wondering if knowing your little sister is in the room with you will bring you the comfort you need, or if you will still need me.  While I told you it is okay and you don't need to call out for me, that you are safe, part of me secretly longs to hear your little voice saying, "Mommy, Mommy".  I will miss that a little bit when it's over.  But I look forward to late nights and chats with you and your sister throughout our years together.  I hope you're never too old to have your mama crawl into bed with you to help you feel better.

You both continue to light up my world in ways I never thought possible.  In the past month, I have seen Ashley smile and giggle in ways I've never seen from a baby.  I've heard Aubrey tell me "I missed you!" and "I love you" without being prompted in any way.  Both of you bring tears of joy to this mama's eyes, and I am forever grateful that God gave me the two most perfect gifts in each of you. There is no greater joy than being your mama.

Love always,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

10 weeks!

You have the softest skin and hair ever.  I love just holding you and rubbing my check across the top of your head. I adore the feeling of your skin on mine.  And I hope that you want me to hold you for many, many years to come.  

You are 10 weeks old today.  The time has flown by faster than I even thought possible.  You are turning out to really love your guys - your grandpa, your daddy.  You smile so big when they are around and holding you.  You smile for me, too, but they get your biggest smiles.

You are almost sleeping through the night now! Getting so close...I think by the time you're 3 months, you'll be there.  And then it will be time to move you to your own room.  Aubs was never in our room with us, so this will be an interesting transition - I'm so used to having you in the cradle next to me every night.  I think I'll miss it in some ways.  

You have filled our lives with so much joy, Ashley! Aubrey adores you, and your daddy and I cherish you so much.  Thank you for coming into our lives!

Always and forever,

Monday, March 11, 2013

Oh how I love to watch you play when you think I'm not watching.  Today you were playing outside by yourself.  I went to check on you and you had gotten a broom.  You found a puddle of water in the cover of the fire pit, dipped the broom in and kept busy "mopping" the patio.  It was simply adorable! I hope you keep your wonderful imagination for years to come.  It brings me so much joy!

Always and Forever,

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A good day

My Girls,
I had so much fun with you today! So many sweet moments to treasure in my heart...

Aubs, you started off the day with the sweetest conversation.  For a while now, you've had this scratch on your forehead.  You've also been a little sick this week and complaining of a tummy ache...and this is what you said:

"Mommy, my scratch is still there."

"Yep, it sure is, Sweetie - but it's starting to get better!"

"And my tummy doesn't hurt anymore!"

"I'm so glad to hear that! You're getting all better!"

"Yay Jesus!!"

It just touched my heart so deeply.  We've been praying for God to help you feel better, and you remembered that it is Jesus who heals us! What a gift you gave me this morning. Then tonight when I asked you what you wanted to thank God for, you told me "Jesus!" I am so thankful He is working in your heart and life already - I know He has an incredible plan for your life!

Ash, I got to spend much of the day with you wrapped in the Moby wrap and right within kissing range.  How I loved that! I need to remember to wrap you onto me more often - you are growing so fast and I just don't want to miss a single moment.

Then this afternoon, your Auntie Rachael and I took you both to see Winnie the Pooh (the play/musical)! Ash, I have to say you weren't too interested - but you slept through it and let Mama, Auntie and Aubrey enjoy the show without much interrupting at all.  Way to go!

Aubs, you loved seeing all the characters from Winnie the Pooh that you know and love.  You even wore your little bear costume that Grandma made sure you had in your dress up clothes! You were just adorable.

After the show, we came home and had some time with Daddy before he had to get back to working.  Daddy is working a lot lately, but he does his very best to spend time with both of you every day.  He loves you so very much.  You girls are his world.

Thank you again for sharing your life with me.  I am so blessed to be your Mama.

Always and Forever,
Your Mama

Friday, February 22, 2013

Your smile

You started smiling more and more today.  You've been "accidentally" smiling for a while now, but it seems that since yesterday it is actually becoming intentional.  And your smile melts my heart every time.  How I wish I could know what you are thinking! I love every minute I have with you and wish I could somehow slow time down and speed it up all at the same time.  I love having you so little to cuddle and swaddle so tightly, but I can't wait to see you start to grow and learn - to see that little personality really emerge.  It's starting already - you are definitely a people person! You and your sister both love to be "where the action is". :)  And we love having you in the middle of it all, too.  

You are precious, my sweet girl.  From the bubbles you are constantly blowing to the way your eyes stare into mine, I love everything about you.

Always and Forever,

The Farm

I always have so much fun taking you to the farm.  It's not a big place, and there isn't much to see, but you always get so excited! You love animals, and your curiosity is always peaked when we pull up.  Today you got to see dogs and chickens.  You kept getting closer and closer to one of the roosters, but then you decided the rocks were far more interesting. :)  Miss Holly (the farmer!) just loves you! She said that next time she'll take you in back and show you the baby rabbits.  That is, if your sister isn't sound asleep in the car.  She sleeps a lot these days, so we'll see if that works out! 

Thank you for sharing your excitement with me each and every day.  Your smile fills my life with joy, and I love seeing the world through your eyes.  

Always and Forever,